Monday, July 27, 2009


So, evidently 2009 is the year my blog died. I am thinking of pulling the plug for good. I have about 6 things I need to blog about to catch up, or I can just not. If you still read this and want me to start updating more often, let me know and I might change my mind, if not, find me on facebook.



Anonymous said...

Catch up!

~ jessica said...

I subscribe and have noticed a real lack of good reading material lately. I say: Catch up! :D

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Joshua B. Derck said...

I read it

Anonymous said...

Catch up! I have gotten behind before and done the deed and just caught up.


Cornelia said...

reading it

Brian Postlewait said...

Dude, who is going to point me to great new music?