Tuesday, September 27, 2005


Sorry guys, we have been without internet for three weeks! Stupid Metronet decided they weren't going to provide to our building anymore, and gave us a 4 day notice. We signed up for Time-Warner's Roadrunner and they came out to the apartment and couldn't get the wireless to work on either of our computers, so then we signed up for SBS DSL and they made us subscribe to a house phone, sent us a modem and then waited a week to activate our line. I hate internet companies, why can't you just get what you need when you need it?


Anonymous said...
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~ jessica said...

Don't even get me started about internet problems at home. My new apartment is cursed, it's been 6 weeks of trying to get the phone/internet dealy set up. And it's still not happening.

I think I win.

jennylou said...

People, must we make our crappy experiences with internet companies a competition? Seriously.... :) hate the Man. grrrr

i think cell phone companies are eviler (as in more evil)

Brandon from Kansas City said...

i hear ya. i think they're the devil. they told me that in a dream once.